Intelligent Instruments Lab outputs organised under the following categories:
- Real-time Musical Collaboration with a Probabilistic Model. Karl Johannsson, Victor Shepardson, Enrike Hurtado, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson and Thor Magnusson. 21st International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing CBMI 2024. [pdf]
- Augmenting the Expressivity of the Notochord Generative MIDI Model for Arca’s “The Light Comes in the Name of the Voice” Magnetic Resonator Piano Installation. Jack Armitage & Victor Shepardson. Proc. AI Music Creativity 2024 (AIMC 2024), Oxford, UK. [forthcoming]
- Tölvera: Composing With Basal Agencies. Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson & Thor Magnusson. Proc. New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2024 (NIME 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands. [pdf]
- Stacco:Exploring the Embodied Perception of Latent Representations in Neural Synthesis. Nicola Privato & Victor Shepardson & Giacomo Lepri & Thor Magnusson. Proc. New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2024 (NIME 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands. [pdf]
- Querying the Ghost: AI Hauntography in NIME. Nicola Privato & Thor Magnusson. Proc. New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2024 (NIME 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands. [pdf]
- Commingling Artificial Life and Interactive Machine Learning in Diffractive Artistic Research Practice. Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson, Miguel Crozzoli & Thor Magnusson. Proc. Conference on Artificial Life 2024 (ALIFE 2024), Copenhagen, Denmark. [pdf]
- Artificial Life in Integrated Interactive Sonification and Visualisation: Initial Experiments with a Python-Based Workflow. Jack Armitage, Miguel Crozzoli & Daniel Jones. Proc. International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2024), Troy, NY, USA. [pdf]
- AI Hauntology and the Hauntographic Method. Nicola Privato & Thor Magnusson. Proc. Conference on Computation, Communicatio, Aesthetics and X (xCoAx 2024), Treviso, Italy. [pdf]
- Pop Live Coding Encounters: Reflections on Practice. Sarah Davis, Jack Armitage & Gus Lobban. Proc. International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC 2024), Shanghai, China. [pdf]
- Sketching Magnetic Interactions for Neural Synthesis. Nicola Privato, Giacomo Lepri, Thor Magnusson & Einar Torfi Einarsson. TENOR 2024, Zurich, Switzerland. [pdf]
- Explainable AI in Music Performance: Case Studies from Live Coding & Sound Spatialisation. Celeste Betancur, Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson & Nicola Privato. XAI in Action: Past, Present, and Future Applications, NeurIPS 2023 Workshop, New Orleans, USA. [pdf]
- Sardine: a Modular Python Live Coding Environment. Raphaël Maurice Forment & Jack Armitage. 7th International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC2023), Utrecht, Netherlands. [pdf]
- The A in AIMC. Thor Magnusson. Proc. Artificial Intelligence & Music Creativity 2023. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. [html]
- Bela-IREE: An Approach to Embedded Machine Learning for Real-Time Music Interaction. Ezra Pierce, Victor Shepardson, Jack Armitage, and Thor Magnusson. Proc. Artificial Intelligence & Music Creativity 2023. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. [link]
- A Context-Sensitive Approach to XAI in Music Performance. Nicola Privato, and Jack Armitage. The 1st International Workshop
on Explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts), ACM Creativity and Cognition (CC), Online, 2023. [pdf]
- Sculpting Algorithmic Pattern: Informal and Visuospatial Interaction in Musical Instrument Design. Jack Armitage, Thor Magnusson and Andrew McPherson. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2023. [pdf]
- Design Process in Visual Programming: Methods for Visual and Temporal Analysis. Jack Armitage, Thor Magnusson and Andrew McPherson. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2023. [pdf]
- Magnetic Interactions as a Somatosensory Interface, Nicola Privato, Thor Magnusson and Einar Torfi Einarsson. Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference. 2023. [pdf]
- The Living Looper: Rethinking the Musical Loop as a Machine Action-Perception Loop, Victor Shepardson and Thor Magnusson. Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference. 2023. [pdf]
- Ergodynamics of String Feedback: Control interface design for the halldorophone, Halldor Ulfarsson and Thor Magnusson. Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference. 2023. [pdf]
- A Scale-Based Ontology of Digital Musical Instrument Design, Jack Armitage, Thor Magnusson and Andrew McPherson. Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference. 2023. [pdf]
- Studying Subtle and Detailed Digital Lutherie: Motivational Contexts and Technical Needs, Jack Armitage, Thor Magnusson and Andrew McPherson. Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference. 2023. [pdf]
- Agential Scores: Exploring Emergent, Self-Organising and Entangled Music Notation, Jack Armitage and Thor Magnusson, 8th International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR) 2023, May 16 20223, Northeastern University, Cambridge, MA. [pdf]
- The Magnetic Score: Somatosensory Inscriptions and Relational Design in the Instrument-Score, Nicola Privato, Thor Magnusson and Einar Torfi Einarsson, 8th International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR) 2023, May 16 20223, Northeastern University, Cambridge, MA. [pdf]
- Notochord: A Flexible Probabilistic Model for Real-Time MIDI Performance by Victor Shepardson, Jack Armitage and Thor Magnusson at the Artificial Intelligence and Musical Creativity conference. [pdf]
- Ritualistic Approach to Sonic Interaction Design: A Poetic Framework for Participatory Sonification by Robin Morabito, Jack Armitage and Thor Magnusson at the International Conference for Auditory Display 2022. [pdf]
- Reflexions upon Feedback by Thor Magnusson, Chris Kiefer and Halldor Ulfarsson at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2022 Conference. [url]
- The Proto-Langspil: Launching an Icelandic NIME Research Lab with the Help of a Marginalised Instrument by Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson, Halldor Ulfarsson and Thor Magnusson at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2022 Conference. [url]
Honourable Mention for Reproducible Research
- Autocoder: a Variational Autoencoder for Spectral Synthesis by Davíð Brynjar Franzson, Victor Shepardson and Thor Magnusson. At the International Conference for Computer Music [pdf]
- “Exploring XAI for the Arts” by Nick Bryan-Kinns, Berker Banar, Corey Ford, Courtney N. Reed, Yixiao Zhang, Simon Colton, and Jack Armitage at the 1st Workshop on eXplainable AI approaches for debugging and diagnosis at the NeurIPS conference.
- Explainable AI and Music, by Nick Bryan-Kinns, Berker Banar, Corey Ford, Courtney N Reed, Yixiao Zhang, and Jack Armitage in Artificial Intelligence for Art Creation and Understanding. 2024. Routledge & CRC Press.
- Live Coding: A User’s Manual, by Alan Blackwell, Emma Cocker, Geoff Cox, Alex McLean and Thor Magnusson. 2022. Open Access here. Info at MIT Press.
- Designing the Threnoscope, or, How I Wrote One of My Pieces by Thor Magnusson in Sound Work: Composition as Critical Technical Practice, published by Orpheus Institut. 2021. [url]
- Editorial: Live Coding Sonic Creativities by Anna Xambo, Gerard Roma and Thor Magnusson. 2023. [url]
- Snjallhjóðfæri: að skilja gervigreind 21. aldar í gegnum skapandi tónlistartækni by Thor Magnusson. 2021. [url]
- Live Coding Self-Organising Systems Workshop at CuteLab.NYC, New York, NY, USA. info, September, 2023.
- I Play the Textile Workshop at Iceland University of the Arts. info.
- Artificial Intelligence and Copyright We co-organised a conference with STEF on copyright at the age of artificial intellgence. [url]. A video stream of the conference can be found here. September, 2023.
- Artificial Intelligence and Music Creativity (August 2023). An international conference with papers, workshops, presentations and performances. Co-organised by Intelligent Instruments Lab and Experimental Music Technologies Lab (Sussex). [url]
- Ómar Festival” (July 2023). Performances and demos in Hjalteyri. [url]
- Composing Systems and Contemporary Luthiere panels at Nordic Music Days, October 2022. [info]
- Moving Strings Symposium (December 2021). An international symposium with workshops, presentations and performances. [url]
We have a dedicated workshop page that describes our workshops in a bit more detail.
- Embodied Sketching for Neural Synthesis. Giacomo Lepri, Nicola Privato and Thor Magnusson, TENOR 2024, ZhDK (Switzerland) info. September, 2024.
- Embedded Sketching for Neural Synthesis. Nicola Privato and Giacomo Lepri, TENOR 2024, ZhDK (Switzerland) info. April, 2024.
- Tolvera presentation at Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces symposium info. December, 2023.
- Stacco: Sketching Magnetic Interactions Nicola Privato, Act-in-out, Fabryka Sztuki (Poland) info. October, 2023.
- Live Coding Self-Organising Systems. Jack Armitage. CuteLab.NYC, New York, NY, USA. September 2023.
- Agential Instruments Design Workshop. Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson, Nicola Privato, Teresa Pelinski, Adan L Benito Temprano, Lewis Wolstanholme, Andrea Martelloni, Franco Santiago Caspe, Courtney N. Reed, Sophie Skach, Rodrigo Diaz, Sean Patrick O’Brien, and Jordie Shier. Proc. Artificial Intelligence & Music Creativity 2023. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. [link].
- Latent Soundings Workshop. A workshop in Neural Audio Synthesis. June, 2023. [info]
- Txalaparta and AI. Txalaparta workshop in Dynjandi. April 2023. [info]
- Txalaparta in Strandir. A workshop in Strandir. April 2023. [info]
- Organic Intelligence. A workshop on the AI control of Hallgrimskirkja’s Klais organ. February 2023. [info]
- Embedded AI for NIME: Challenges and Opportunities. Workshop run at NIME with two other institutions. 2022.
- Living Algorithms workshop at Raflost festival. 2022.
- Nordic Music Days Workshops at this festival of Nordic Music. September 2022. [info]
- ixi - Media Lab Aalto Workshop. Applying ii lab technologies in teaching. May, 2022.
- Trash Sounds Workshop @ RUSL Festival. 2022.
- ii lab workshop at Omar festival. Hjalteyri. A workshop in ii lab technologies. August, 2022.
- HLCI Workshop Online organised by Jack Armitage.
- Panel session: Making art with Machines: Voices, Instruments, Bodies and Sound at the Iceland University of the Arts 2022,
- Sema Worshop on live coding with machine learning in Web Audio (September 2021) Mexico City.
- UdK-Oxford Seedfunding Program. Nicola Privato with Federico Visi and Robert Laidlow.
- NIFTY workshop. Thor Magnusson presenting ii lab work at instrument design conference. 2023.
- HLCI Workshop. Presentation by Victor Shepardson. 2022.
- Feedback Musicianship Network workshop. Halldor Ulfarsson and Thor Magnusson. At Aalborg University. 2021.
- Residency “Queer Sonic Fingerprint”. The Hague. Adam Pulz Melbye. 2023.
- SARC Belfast Improvisation with AI residency. Victor Shepardson. 2023.
- Tangible Music Lab residency. Linz. Nicola Privato. 2023.
- Nyksund writing residency. Nyksund, Norway. Thor Magnusson. 2022.
- On-the-fly residency. Barcelona. Jack Armitage. 2022.
- Hugfæri og tæknileikar: Um hugsandi hljóðfæri og tilraunakennd hugvísindi, Thor Magnusson lecture at the Univeristy of Iceland. 18 April, 2024.
- On the Making of End of Empire, Nicola Privato with Eva Sajovic at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool (UK) as part of the Climate Lab programme. 22 Feb, 2024.
- Keynote on Intelligent Instruments, Thor Magnusson with a keynote at the AI and Music Symposium. 16 Dec, 2024.
- Thinking with Intelligent Instruments, Thor Magnusson presenting a keynote at the Orpheus Institute. 11 Dec, 2024.
- On AI Prosthetics: Notating for Intelligent Instruments Thor Magnusson presentation at the American Musicology Society. info. December, 2023.
- International Guest Lecture at Hochscholand for scen och musik. Gothenburg. info, October 2023.
_ Compositions and Interfaces for the Embodied Understanding of AI Instruments Nicola Privato presenting at I_mBody Lab, Poland. October 2023.
- The digital and the analogue, A conversation between Thor Magnusson, Hans Johannsson and Patrick Gaydecki. As part of Johansson’s instrument exhibition. Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavík, Iceland, 10 Oct, 2023.
- CHIME Seminar, Presentations and discussion with Thor Magnusson and Astrid Bin url. As part of the EPSRC funded CHIME network. 4 Oct, 2023.
- On AI prosthetics: Thinking with Machines, Thor Magnusson talk at PACT Zollverein, Essen, DE. info. September, 2023.
- Artistic Research and Humanities at Fræðaþing Reykjavíkurakademíunnar. info. October, 2023.
- No-Input Textiles Mixer, Sophie Skach and Victor Shepardson at the Textile Intersections conference. info, September, 2023.
- “Agentology for Organology: Cyber-, Bio-, & Eco-Semiotic Perspectives on Instrumental Agency” Jack Armitage at Instruments, Interfaces, Infrastructures: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Musical Media, Harvard University Department of Music, Cambridge, MA. May 2023.
- Intelligent Instruments Lab at Visindavaka, Reykjavik. [info],
- “In Between the Analogue and the Digital” Thor Magnusson in a panel session at the International Conference on Live Interfaces. ICLI 2022.
- “Keynote at ICLC 2021” Thor Magnusson at the International Conference on Live Coding 2021
- “Sound Seed Automata” Victor Shepardson at HLCI Workshop 2021
- “ROOT Workshop Talk: Creative Misuse of ROOT.” Jack Armitage at CERN workshop 2022.
- “Music Technologies that learn. But what are they learning?” Thor Magnusson at the AIM Queen Mary. 2022.
- “Cling for live coding music and musical instruments.” Jack Armitage at CERN Compiler Research Group
- Technology presentation at Synthabæli/International Synthesizer Day. Reykjavik City Library. Jack Armitage and Steve Symons. 2022.
- “Something About Being Human“ Jonathan Chaim Reus at Artist Talk: Making Art with Machines: Voices, Instruments, Bodies and Sound at the Iceland University of the Arts
- “Performing AI – bodies, sounds and machines“ Marco Donnarumma at Artist Talk: Making Art with Machines: Voices, Instruments, Bodies and Sound at the Iceland University of the Arts. 2022.
- HALLDÓR ÚLFARSSON’S STRING MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, HALLDOROPHONE, an article in Design Boom Magazine. August 2024. url
- SÓNAR 2024: Sónar +D, an article on Sonar in Tarantula. June 2024. url
- La IA ens farà la bugada, no les cançons an article on Sonar in El Punt Avui. June 2024. url
- Vélvitið: skapandi gervigreind, radio programme at RÚV, (Icelandic). Jan 2024. [url]
- Knitting Mathematics and Musical Textiles, a podcast interview with postdoc Sophie Skach. (English). Jan 2024. [url]
- Skapandi gervigreind, a conversation in Rauða borðið. Jan 2024. (Icelandic) [url]
- Intelligent Instruments, an interview with Jack Armitage in Lestin. Jan 2024. [url]
- Matricola Musica, a podcast interview with Nicola Privato. (Italian). Jan 2024. [url]
- Framtíðarmúsík með fortíðarbrag, interview with Esther Ýr Þorvaldsdóttir about the proto-langspil album. Dec 2023. [url]
- Do Androids Dream of Composing Music? in Grapevine, Dec 2023. (English) [url]
- Act_in_out in Fabryka Sztuki (Poland) info. October, 2023.
_ Can Computers Create? a public talk at the European Science Night. info. September, 2023.
- Interview with Thor Magnusson in Gervigreindarlestin. June 2023. (Icelandic) [url]
- FluCoMa Podcast #10: Thor Magnusson in Flucoma Podcast. May 2023. (English) [url]
- Sounding Smart in Icelandic Review. April/May 2023. (English) [url]
- Að greina gervigreind in Visir by Thor Magnusson. 2023. (Icelandic) [url]
- Mun gervigreindin breyta okkur? with Thor Magnusson. Rauða borðið. 2023. (Icelandic) [url]
- Náið samband við hljóðfæri með gervigreind. Fréttablaðið. (Icelandic) [url]
- Inventing instruments that interact, learn and evolve with the performer at Showcase of citizen science by ERC grantees and other EU-funded projects. 2022. [url]
- Tímamótastyrkur til rannsóknarverkefnis á vegum LHÍ. RÚV. [url]
- Ólátagarður. Jack Armitage at RÚV. [url]
- Four Necks [url]
- Like a Bees Hive [url]
- Mouja at xCoAx 2024, Nicola Privato, Thales and Stacco, Neural Synthesis and Ambisonics, Fabrica, Treviso, France.
info. 14 July 2024.
- Magnetologues, Nicola Privato and Giacomo Lepri, Stacco, Neural Synthesis and Ambisonics, TENOR 2024, ZhDK Zurich, Swizerland. info. 6 Apr 2024.
- NeoArte: Synthesizer of Arts, Thor Magnusson, Halla Steinnunn Stefánsdóttir, Jack Armitage, Miguel Cozzoli, Nicola Privato. Nordic House, Reykjavík. info. 23 Mar 2024.
- Mouja at IRCAM Forum, Nicola Privato, Thales and Stacco, Neural Synthesis and Ambisonics, IRCAM, Paris, France.
info. 21 Mar 2024.
- Thales at Guthman Competition, Nicola Privato and Jeremy Muller, Thales and Percussions, Georgia Tech Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. info. 9 Mar 2024.
- Mouja at TEI 2024, Nicola Privato, Thales and Stacco with Neural Synthesis, MTO School of Music, Cork, 13 Feb, 2024.
- RASK #7 - Jack Armitage performing at Gaukurinn. info. December 2023.
- Seasonally Adjusted Sonomes at Harpa, Reykjavik, Iceland. info. December 2023.
- ii lab at Erkitid, Erkitid. Listasafn Reykjavikur. info. December 2023.
- Ómur Aldanna - Performance by Adam Pulz Melbye and Julia Mogensen, Part of Hans Johannsson’s instrument exhibition. Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavík, Iceland, 10 Oct, 2023.
- Mouja, Nicola Privato performing at Fabryka Sztuki (Poland). info, October 2023.
- S27, Nicola Privato performing in Hafnarhus info October 2023.
- Post-dreifing presents Supersoaker #3, Jack Armitage, Live Coding & DJ Set, Prikið, Reykjavík, Iceland, 5 Oct, 2023.
- Tour with Flamingo, Adam Pulz Melbye. Jazzakademia Kaunas (Lithuania), Improdimensija Vilnius (Lithuania), Klub Dragon Poznan (Poland), Mausoleum in Tierpark Dessau (Germany), Keith Bar Berlin (Germany).
- Performance with Sound Energy Harvest, Gaudeamus Festival, Utrecht (Holland). info, September, 2023.
- Gagnavera at AIMC 2023 Algorave, Jack Armitage, Live Coding, St. Mary’s Church, Brighton, UK, 1 Sep, 2023.
- Live coding at Menningarnótt, Reykjavik, 2023. [info]
- PIKKNIKK #6, Jack Armitage, Live Coding, Nordic House, Reykjavík, Iceland, 29 July, 2023.
- II Lab 2nd Birthday concert in Mengi, Reykjavik. August, 2023. [info]
- OMAR festival, Thor Magnusson, Victor Shepardson and Giacomo Lepri. 2023.
- LungA Festival, Jack Armitage, Live Coding & DJ Set, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland, 15 July, 2023.
- HÁTÍÐNI Festival, Jack Armitage, Live Coding & DJ Set, Borðeyri, Iceland, 1 July, 2023.
- Pandora’s Mycophony, Jack Armitage with Celeste Betancur, Audiovisual live coding with artificial life and machine learning, NIME 2023, Mexico City, Mexico, 2 June, 2023.
- IILBD002, Mengi, August 2023. Featuring Celeste Betancur, Adam Pultz, Júlía Mogensen, Robin Morabito, Victor Shepardson, Nicola Privato, Jack Armitage.
- Nicola Privato at Ars Electronica 2023, presenting a lecture-performance titled AI Expainability, Embodiment and Sound in Space: a Case Study.
- MOTHERBIRD, Jessica Shand, Manuel Cherep and Jack Armitage, 8th International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR) 2023, Northeastern University, Cambridge, MA. May 16 2023.
- FerroNeural, Jack Armitage & Nicola Privato, at Instruments, Interfaces, Infrastructures: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Musical Media, Harvard University Department of Music, Cambridge, MA. May 11 2023.
- Halldorophone concert at Cafe Oto, London. [info]
- ii lab at Iceland Airwaves, Reykjavik. [info]
- RAFLOST Festival Opening Party. Jack Armitage. 2022.
- OMAR festival. Victor Shepardson et al. 2022.
- Trash Sounds Workshop at RUSL Festival. Final performance.
- Live coding Tidal with Rave. Algorithmic Arts Assembly. Jack Armitage.
- Lil Data at PC Music Vol. 3. London. Jack Armitage. 2022.
- Intelligent Instruments’ Birthday Party at Mengi. Marco Donnarumma, Jonathan Chaim Reus, Hekla, Bob & Vic. 2022.
- Strengjavera II, at the Nordic House, Reykjavik. Strengjavera, Jack Armitage, Magnetic Resonator Piano and ALife, AIMC 2023, Brighton, UK, Sep 2023.
- End of Empire, Nicola Privato and Eva Sajovic present the installation at the British Textile Bienniale. info, Manchester. Summer 2023.
- no-input textiles, Dr Sophie Skach and Victor Shepardson present at the 2023 Textile Intersections info Conference in London. Summer 2023.
- Strengjavera I, Jack Armitage, Magnetic Resonator Piano and ALife, AIMC 2023, Brighton, UK, info. Sep 2023.
- Thor Magnusson was a consultant for a Curriculum review Hochschule der Künste Bern. info. December, 2023.
- Thor Magnusson was a consultant on the Turn it Up exhibition at the Science Museum in London. 2023.
- Jack Armitage was a technical consultant on the soundtrack for Apple TV+ sci-fi series Silo, working with INNI Music founder and composer Atli Örvarsson. 2023.
- Thor Magnusson was a consultant on the Turn it Up exhibition in the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester. 2022.
Many projects can be found on our GitHub page -
Our Organium: Library of Technical Elements can be explored in an online database