Thursday: Neural Synth Excursions

Updates from two recent projects by Giacomo Lepri, Franziska Schroeder and Victor Shepardson.
Open Lab 57, Thu Jul 27 2023

Open Lab is on Thursday this week! At the usual time and place: Þverholt 11 at 3pm.

Giacomo's sound installation Pluma, a vibrating loudspeaker ringed by conductive bird feathers.

Pluma, Giacomo's sound installation


Giacomo Lepri is IIL postdoc with a multidisciplinary background in qualitative HCI research, music technology and performance. He holds a master in ‘Instruments and Interfaces’ from STEIM / Institute of Sonology and a PhD in ‘Media and Art Technology’ from Queen Mary University of London.

Giacomo will wrap up the work he has been doing at IIL in the last three months. He will present the sound installation Pluma, an interactive sonic composition which detects touch through feathers and generates sound via neural audio synthesis. Giacomo will talk about the genesis of the piece, its functioning and the aesthetic experience it aims to elicit.

The presentation will also uncover how this work tackles some of the questions posed by the INTENT project, focusing on how artists make sense of AI instruments. Giacomo will discuss AI and musical agency as relational phenomena by framing AI as magical unknown where technological liveness and intelligence are there because we simply move to evoke them.

Franziska and Victor

Franziska Schroeder is a saxophonist, theorist, and a Professor for Music and Cultures at the School of Arts, English and Languages at Queen’s University Belfast. Franziska has performed with many international musicians including Joan La Barbara, Pauline Oliveros, Stelarc, the Avatar Orchestra, and Evan Parker. Franziska has released two CDs on the creative source label, a CD with Slam records, and a 2015 album (entitled “Barely Cool” with improvisors from Brazil) on the pfmentum label. She leads the “Performance without Barriers” Research group, and is the PI on the 3 year AHRC funded “Bridging the Gap” project, which looks at how accessible music production studios are for the visually impaired.

Victor Shepardson is a PhD student and researcher in the Intelligent Instruments Lab. His Living Looper project explores the agency of machine learning algorithms in musical improvisation.

Franziska and Victor will present some recent experiments with Franziska’s saxophone and Victor’s Living Looper.