Amplifying Subtle Sensations with Annika Sellik

Amplifying subtle sensations and notions, and radical care taking.
Open Lab 56, Fri Jul 21 2023
soft_garden, installation view, K-U-K Popopp, Trondheim, Norway, 2023

soft_garden, installation view, K-U-K Popopp, Trondheim, Norway, 2023

Annika Sellik

Annika will discuss listening, perceiving and amplifying senses and notions and on her journey on digging under the layer of most “visible” and dominant layers of sounds, driven by queer studies and ideas of radical care taking.

Annika Sellik is an Oslo based visual artist. She is mainly working with reflections on sound in a form of installation, but also performance and writing; using traditional craft processes and practices along with solutions involving electronics her practice is varied and socially alert - based on speculative research and perception, using them as tools and methods on organic materials and speculative visions, as looking for resonance within the art work and with the surroundings, to ask critical questions on norms of perceiving and understanding borders and values.

She explores instrument building as a means to tune into spaces and feelings By letting the qualities of materials and dynamics of spaces guide the processes she is treating them both by care as the electronic elements allow to amplify the subtle perceptions.

As consciously using slow processes and looking for sustainable solutions, such as traditional woodworking and exploring instrument building as a mean to tune into spaces and feelings in contemporary art context, salt making from local sea water by sunlight, collecting berries for pigments etc, she uses radical care taking as an act to provide mental space to observe, reflect and to honour the materials and to question her own thoughts and presence in contemporary context.

Her practice often manifests in transformations or reflections on spaces and spheres rather than using space as a context to show her work.

