The INTENT project awarded the Science and Innovation Award

The award was under the category Society - for citizen science and social engagement
Tue May 14 2024
The award winners of the four projects under the categories: Health, Technology, Society and Inspiration.

The award winners of the four projects under the categories: Health, Technology, Society and Inspiration.

The Intelligent Instruments project won a University of Iceland Science and Innovation Award

The University of Iceland’s Science and Innovation Awards were awarded for the 26th time on May 14th 2024. The Intelligent Instruments Lab received an award under the category ‘Society’ reflecting the citicen science and public engagement work we do as part of our research methodologies. We are thrilled to have received the award and are amongst some amazing group of other projects that received awards under other categories. Credit for these awards goes to Thor Magnusson (IS), Jack Armitage (UK), Halla Steinunn Stefansdottir (IS), Victor Shepardson (US), Nicola Privato (IT), Miguel Angel Rozzoli (AR), Halldor Ulfarsson (IS), Sean O’Brien (US), Marco Donnarumma (IT), Sophie Skach (AT), and Giacomo Lepri (IT).

See HÍ news item here.

The award jury wrote:

The project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and operates in the field of experimental humanities. It investigates how ideas, understanding and discourse are formed around modern artificial intelligence through the development of intelligent instruments. One of the main research methods is therefore to work with people, build instruments, perform music and examine the wider environment of music in times of technological change. The jury found the project to be particularly interesting and a good example of interdisciplinary cooperation. The project would also be an original approach to influential technology, where diverse ideas and fields of study would be introduced to the public.

Or in Icelandic:

Verkefnið er styrkt af Evrópska rannsóknarráðinu (ERC) og er á sviði tilraunakenndra hugvísinda. Í því er rannsakað hvernig hugmyndir, skilningur og orðræða myndast í kringum nútímagervigreind í gegnum þróun snjallhljóðfæra. Ein af meginrannsóknaraðferðum er því að vinna með fólki, smíða hljóðfæri, flytja tónlist og skoða víðara umhverfi tónlistar á breytingartímum í tækni. Var mat dómnefndar að verkefnið væri sérstaklega áhugavert og gott dæmi um þverfræðilegt samstarf. Verkefnið væri jafnframt frumleg nálgun á áhrifamikla tækni þar sem almenningi væru kynntar fjölbreyttar hugmyndir og fræðasvið.